Portfolio / goetel Gruppe
goetel Gruppe:
Implementation of expansion plans
The goetel Group, originally founded in 1998, is a regional broadband communications company based in Göttingen. Adiuva acquired goetel GmbH at the end of 2017 as part of a corporate succession. Since then, Adiuva has been supporting the company in implementing its expansion plans as well as the expansion of its own fibreoptic infrastructure in the rural regions of Lower Saxony and Hesse.
In 2018, also as part of corporate succession, ACO Computertechnik (Kassel) and OR Network (Reiskirchen) were acquired and have since been integrated.
Today, the goetel Group consists of goetel GmbH and German Network Construction (Göttingen), a company founded by Adiuva in 2020 to plan and manage the group’s fibre optics expansion. With a broad network of experts and additional growth capital, Adiuva supported the goetel Group in its strong expansion.
``Since Adiuva came on board in 2017, goetel has swiftly developed into a leading broadband network provider in central Germany. This would not have been possible without the industrial understanding and entrepreneurial cooperation that only a partner one is on par with can offer.``
Having originally started with fewer than 20 employees and around 500 customers, in 2021 the goetel Group’s 140 employees served over 20,000 customers in a service area of around 200,000 households. In 2022 alone, goetel will connect more than 20,000 additional households with fibre optics in order to offer broadband coverage to rural regions in Hesse and Lower Saxony.
The company was acquired in September 2021 by Basalt Infrastructure Partners, a leading infrastructure investor, in an effort to push the expansion of the networks even further.
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